Résultats de votre recherche

    8 Résultats
  • Ronald Silverman - Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer - a reçu un Medical Doctor de University of Maryland - School of Medicine.
  • Zachary Roberts - Executive Vice President, Research & Development and Chief Medical Officer - a reçu un PhD in Medecine & Immunology de University of Maryland - School of Medicine.
    Allogene Therapeutics - Biotechnologie - Etats—Unis
  • Charlotte Jones-Burton - Director - has a Master in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine from University of Maryland - School of Medicine and Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Psychology from Washington University in St. Louis.
    Bluebird Bio - Biotechnologie - Etats—Unis
  • Rob Lenz - Executive Vice President and Head of R&D - has a PhD in Pharmacology from University of Maryland - School of Medicine and Doctorate of Medicine in Pharmacology from University of Maryland - School of Medicine.
  • Joseph Dal Porto - Chief Scientific Officer - a reçu un PhD in Immunology & Microbiology de University of Maryland - School of Medicine.
    Second Genome - Biotechnologie - Etats—Unis
  • Robert Walker - Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer - has a Doctor of Medicine in Medicine from University of Maryland - School of Medicine and Bachelor of Arts in English from Vassar College.
  • Kenneth Yale - Director - has a Doctor of Dental Surgery from University of Maryland - School of Medicine and Juris Doctor in Law, Technology and Medicine from Georgetown University.
    Biolase Technology - Équipements médicaux - Etats—Unis
  • Lawrence Weiss - Chief Medical Officer - has a Doctor of Medicine from University of Maryland - School of Medicine and Bachelor of Science from University of Maryland - College Park.
    Fulgent Genetics - Biotechnologie - Etats—Unis

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